Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm Thinking Arby's Chocolate Turnover......

As requested, here is my review of the NEW Arby's chocolate turnover.
I've seen these around for the last few weeks but I finally got to sample this sucker.
This pastry is very similar to the original apple and cherry flavored turnovers.
Light, flakey, crumbles on your shirt when you bite into it. And of course very chocolaty.
The filling is soft and gooey but not soft enough to flow out when broken open as seen above.
This sweetness of the dessert was a little bit richer than I expected but perfectly completes a meal after a Beef 'n Cheddar.

Would I order one again? Maybe but I still prefer the apple variety.

1 comment:

Pried Chicken said...

Can you hear the growls coming from somewhere near the South China Sea?